Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Line Art

This is my formmative line art assignment. I found it very difficult to finsh but it is finally done.

My Picture This Week

This week we were studying the myths in english class. I really like learning about the myths because it creates the stories that the Greek followed.

My Picture This Week

This week we worked on our pop art picture. It was really enjoying to see the masterpiece come to life.

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Pop Art Picture

This is my pop-art picture that I made. I used a picture of Mike Tyson and transformed him into a cartoon character. I really enjoyed this project cause I find photoshop very interesting.

Friday, October 12, 2007

My Pictures this Weekend

After lunch I played basketball in the lower gym with a bunch of friends.

My Pictures this Weekend

I had my first fitness test in the field house.

My Pictures this Weekend

We had our first grub day to help breast cancer research

My Pictures this Weekend

This was the hospital we visited to learn more about spinal injuries.

My Pictures this Weekend

This was the hospital we visited to learn more about spinal injuries.

My Pictures this Weekend

This is my fish tank project for science before they all died.

My Pictures this Weekend

This picture was on house day when our groups was schedled to play earth ball.

My First Summative

1) In my eyes i think all the four pictures are iconic the picture of the vietnam soldiers represented leadership and courage, I think the picture of Mohammed Ali represents dedication and determination, the picture of Muhatma Gandhi represents mental strength, and the picture of the man liftling the car represents pure physical strength.

2) I think the mst powerful part of the image is the fact that when most people think of the word strength they think of the physical element of the word but I show all the different aspects of the term strength. I also think that the picture of Gandhi is the most powerful picture because to have to endure what Gandhi did takes a lot of strength

Monday, October 1, 2007

My Pictures For This Week

This week in science we went outside and looked for different orgamisms in the forest behind Crescent school it effecs me because this was the first time we went outside in science and it was fun.

My Pictures For This Week

This is my first media arts summative ever and it effects me because this is the first assignment that counts for marks.

Line Photos

These clipboards also make an idirect vertical repeat pattern. I took this picture in media arts class.

Line Photos

This picture has the binders set up in a diagonal repeat pattern in th media arts room. This picture represents an indirect repeat pattern the pattern is line.